Bulk Writes

You can bulk writes through the /bulkwrite/<modelname> endpoint. Note that authorisation works a little differently - the user must have permissions to Create, Edit, Update and Read.

WARNING Be cautious when using bulk writes because you can destroy your data. Don't forget to back up!


        "insertOne": {
            "document": {
                "foo": "Foo2",
                "bar": "Bar2",
                "yack": { "yack": "yack2", "shmack": 2 },
        "updateOne": {
            "filter": {
                "foo": "Foo1"
            "update": {
                "$set": {
                    "foo": "Foo bulk updated"
        "updateOne": {
            "filter": {
                "foo": "Foo3"
            "update": {
                "foo": "Foo3",
                "bar": "Bar3",
                "yack": { "yack": "yack3", "shmack": 3 },
            "upsert": true